Gastric Bypass
Gastric Bypass
Gastric Bypass Roux-en-Y is a bariatric procedure which is designed to reduce the size of the stomach and to bypass part of the small intestine.
In the procedure, surgeons divide the stomach to create a small pouch that restricts food intake to about one ounce. This new stomach pouch is then attached to the small intestine, bypassing the lower stomach and a portion of the small bowel. The surgery affects weight loss in two ways:
1) It restricts food intake
2) The food that is consumed is absorbed to a lesser extent

Gastric Bypass involves rearranging the gastrointestinal anatomy using surgical staplers. (A small stomach pouch is created). The surgery lasts approximately two hours and usually requires two nights in the hospital. The weight loss after surgery occurs over one to two years. Because most of the stomach and part of the small intestine is bypassed, patients are at risk for anemia and osteoporosis and must take vitamins and supplements for the rest of their lives. The vitamins recommended for a bypass patient are: multi-vitamin, calcium, vitamin D, vitamin B and iron. Because the stomach and small intestine is stapled and divided, there is a risk for leaking and bleeding at the staple lines.
- Rapid weight loss. Patients lose an average of 70 percent of excess body weight within 12 to 18 months after surgery.
- Proven long-term track record. Studies show that 10 to 14 years after surgery, patients have maintained an average loss of 60 percent of their excess weight.
- Reduced co-morbidities. The procedure significantly reduces, and sometimes, even eliminates conditions related to obesity, including high blood pressure, Type II diabetes and sleep apnea.
- Reduced desire to eat. Patients report that they feel fuller faster and achieve satiety – the feeling of being satisfied – with less food; therefore, overeating is less likely to occur.
Complications can include leaks at the connection sites of the pouch and small bowel; infection; small bowel obstruction; internal hernia; pulmonary embolus and even death. Patients can avoid vitamin and mineral deficiencies with proper supplementation, and our staff is there to ensure that nutritional levels are regularly monitored.
Contact Balette Bariatric Center today to schedule a consultation, attend a weight loss seminar or sign up for an online webinar.